364 electoral votes?
heck yeah dunnies.
charles mingus, the black saint and sinner lady: um, have you guys heard this album? i won't be holding hands till i meet the charles mingus reincarnate. if you can't dwarf a double bass, don't talk to me, i prolly hate you. <3music

yma sumac, voice of ixtabay: i only know who this chick is 'cause jimmy told me that she's dead. turns out not only is she dead, she's gorgeous and she makes awesome noise. my kinda lady.
el-p, i'll sleep when you're dead: seriously, i'm so sick of liking this album. damned redhead.

you guys ever get into mystery science theatre 3000? if so, i understand why. if not, i understand that too.house: did cuddy and house just make out? they did, didn't they. you guys, tsk tsk.
dexter: i won't ruin it for you but jimmy smits is just what dexter needed, so far...
californication: runkel's money shot is a true family moment.
svu: i love ice-t
new fave blogs!!!
mma eruption by my surrogate boyfriend mikeypassport to trespass by some dude jesswis knows from vermont
and nicholas haggard by nicholas haggard, a person to whom i have no connection other than liking his photography. his site is not a blog, it's a...site. but whatever, i really like his work. i caught sight of his steeze via iheartphograph.com, an old favorite blog of mine.
-i finally stopped freaking out (mostly)!-did i tell you about the abscess i had where my wisdom tooth used to be? i stuck a pin in it, drained it, threw some tea tree oil on it, done deal!
-i'm applying for a PAID FULL TIME internship at an awesome awesome awesome museum (studio museum harlem)! wish me luck! or don't!
the meat and berries
haha. i started my first blog in 2002 when i got the boot from sarah lawrence, lived in massachusetts with my friend meg, her dad and some other troubled kid who lived in the attic for three months and then finally went back to california. i was all depressed so i started a blog about how much my life sucked. it was called the meat and berries. i just thought about how i used to sit up till all hours of the night doing exactly what i'm doing right now. anyway, the actual blog part of my blog will now be officially called the meat and berries because of all that stuff i just told you. so let it be written, so let it be done.

hi! not much going on, really. i'm dealing with my depression. i'm always dealing with it but moreso now 'cause the stress has really brought it to a head. my modus operandi for coping has been the same all my life consisting mainly of hibernation, stagnancy, introspection and artistic purging. after getting a big fat FAIL in relationships, new town/new life, employment, housing, friendship, health, cat care and clairvoyant rationality, i was feeling a little down. i kept trying to make myself function and then i was like, wait a minute, what's the rush? i'm a freaking academic, a hafling artist and i'm depressed as shit. i should enjoy it while i can. enjoy your depression? yeah, it makes no sense but it does. i've been ultra spooked about leaving the house but on the flip side of it, i hate leaving the house even when i'm feeling less sad so i should enjoy my time as a shut in. i took a chill pill on the whole "doing it right" scene, i'm just doing it for now. i'll get a job. eventually. till then, i figure i'm only gonna be unemployed and young once (ha) so i'd better enjoy while my flesh is still clining to my fat.
moving on, i was thinking about vin manzi. he's two special things, 1. my favorite photographer and 2. one of my oldest, bestest friends. i found a couple of his street candids which i super duper love:

i like vin's work because it never looks like anything but what it is. i was thinking real hard about vin and his street candids and his the-longer-you-look-at-it-the-better-it-gets style and i was thinking about my whatever you want to call it style and then i was at the moma with maria and i was like...huh. i wonder. and then i started taking pictures of maria and random people in the museum, first time i've ever shot strangers EVER. first 30 shots were total rubbish ash, so glad they're digital 'cause i'd be embarassed to see the negatives. then i hit my stride.
candid camera
except for the one where maria posed
except for the one where maria posed

while at zeemuseo de modern l'arte, i got to see an arturo herrera. you wanna talk about a dude with skills? eesh, this guy makes my skin crawl with his goodness:

google him next time you get bored. his disney in a blender style is enough to make you want to eat a tray of cupcakes just so you can puke it up, take pictures and write love letters to him on the backs of all the prints.
i'm getting my final check from mosex tomorrow AND i get the pin for my ebt card (whole foods, here i come!) AND i got a skype account so watch out, i may be calling you on the internet. so yeah, right, that was the point, i was gonna go to brooklyn museum today but i didn't. what i did do, aside from hanging out with jess, mikey and maria, making tacos, catching up with sir big wiz on instant messenger and joining becomeanex.org is TAKE SOME STILLDANCE PHOTOS! the first lo ilén melus/stilldance work to surface from a jessica who isn't feeling totally down and out. i had a frustrating morning, dealing with pressure and annoyance via email that had me so turned off my armpits were crying (you ever get frustration sweat? i do.) i thought it was gonna drag me down but it didn't, i kinda just shook really hard till it fell off then walked away. that has to mean i'm getting better and...i feel like i'm getting better which also has to mean i'm getting better. anyway:

lo ilén melus

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