o.j. simpson's going to jail.

collagery by kierra fields
a thing you should know

now you know.

sarah silverman is not a puerto rican jew. perhaps you knew that already but remember, "a thing you should know" is not for things you "don't" know, it's for things you "should" know, i.e. things i didn't know until i found out in some slightly to mildly embarassing way. basically, i'm trying to save you some trouble. for some reason i thought sarah silverman was half puerto rican. she's not.
now you know.
video mixtape
seven degrees of paul jenkins

high hearts and low estates, baby dayliner
dudes...someone please buy me a life for christmas. no, just kidding, we're in a recession and i wouldn't want you to trample anyone to death in your haste. but seriously, i say "i haven't listened to anything else in like, a month. no joke." and some of you look at me funny and ask "is this guy serious right now? are you serious right now?" yes, dudes. yes on all counts. this is the geekiest thing that could ever make you want to buck your hips. high hearts and low estates is officially on my top ten best break up albums list. it's number 1 and number 10. how do i get a baby dayliner interview? gimme that for christmas. that whole "life" bit sounds kinda corny anyway...
you are beautiful at all times, yppah
i hear some groovy music in a tv commercial and jimmy held his iphone up to the tv (jimmy's eyeballphone has some shazah or whatever it's called that can tell you what song is playing) and the iphone says it's this guy. i google him and i come across some emusic page that's all like, "try us for like a minute, long enough to download two albums for free and then immediately cancel your membership and don't spend a dime and we won't do anything about it" so OBVIOUSLY i did that and i got this album and i like it. it's trippy and the album art is like, gross and awesome. i don't remember what the tv commercial was for.
POP-UP, yelle
so what about everything, this chick makes awesome pop that makes you feel like chewing pink bubble gum, roller skating and making out in the sun. i sing along and work on my accent, je ne veux pas d'un amour sans faille/trop parfait tu ne m'interresse pas...i do not want a flawless love, too much perfect you i'm not interested (after french 2 i'm sure my translations will improve). i'll put it to you this way, when i stop listening to baby dayliner for 9 hours every day, i spend two of those hours listening to yelle on myspace. she only has four songs. i don't have money to buy the album and i gave up downloading music without giving money to the artists as part of my being a better buddhist campaign so i'm waiting until i have a job. the only reason i've been going to job interviews is 'cause i want to buy music. check yelle out here.
why the bold and exclamation points? that's like yelling, right? YES!! and i'll tell you why! this movie is awesome. for two minutes i was really uncomfortable, it takes a while to settle into these cgi pixar cartoons things, they look weird, everything is really smooth, dizziness arises, et cetera. then the story was a little too simple for me, i was like "whatever. how could a panda have a goose for a dad? that's dumb." half an hour later i was laughing hysterically as po and shifu sparred with a dumpling as bait (would a panda really eat a dumpling??), i was a little worried about the return of tai lung and when oogway met with the peachtree blossom petals, i felt like i was watching an awesome cartoon samurai movie with a deep but not too deep to understand buddhist message. there are no accidents, there is no secret ingredient.
27 dresses
i had no intention of seeing this movie. katherine heigl is cute and all but generally, romantic comedies are not my scene. i took great issue with katherine heigl's wardrobe, the writing was kinda "HEY, LOOK, WE DON'T WANT YOU TO MISS THE JOKE" at points but generally speaking, it was funny enough with the added bonus 1. of ed burns (he's hot and he knows what he's doing even if his lines are simple as a homogenous mix of sand and other sand) and 2. judy greer, adorable redheaded character actress who i've now seen in this movie, on californication as trixy the prostitute, in jawbreaker, adaptation, what women want, in a dr. pepper commerical and on episodes of undressed, the mtv young people soap opera circa 3am, 1999. the movie was pretty okay but judy greer is great and ed burns is really hot. and katherine heigl. she's in it. i like her teeth.
the passion of the christ
i don't know if you all know or whatever, but i kinda have a thing for jesus. he supports my basic general philosophy, that perfect people should be nailed to wooden crosses. i wouldn't give mel gibson any of my money, i couldn't, not after he got made fun of so bad on southpark BUT i knew i would watch the passion eventually 'cause jesus is in it. dude. talk about gore. intense gore, new levels of intense, specific "turn him over and continue" gore. but, we have to remember, this is the ancient romans we're talking about. the ancient romans would put you in a bag with a rabid dog, a monkey, a snake and a rooster and drown you. they didn't fuck about when it came to ending someone's life painfully. and they spoke latin. the nerd in me was happy as a lark to hear spoken latin. and jesus, it looked like getting nailed to a cross was super horrible, the worst and i think that's how it would have looked if it happened. this movie is definitely decent.
rat tardudes...someone please buy me a life for christmas. no, just kidding, we're in a recession and i wouldn't want you to trample anyone to death in your haste. but seriously, i say "i haven't listened to anything else in like, a month. no joke." and some of you look at me funny and ask "is this guy serious right now? are you serious right now?" yes, dudes. yes on all counts. this is the geekiest thing that could ever make you want to buck your hips. high hearts and low estates is officially on my top ten best break up albums list. it's number 1 and number 10. how do i get a baby dayliner interview? gimme that for christmas. that whole "life" bit sounds kinda corny anyway...
you are beautiful at all times, yppah
i hear some groovy music in a tv commercial and jimmy held his iphone up to the tv (jimmy's eyeballphone has some shazah or whatever it's called that can tell you what song is playing) and the iphone says it's this guy. i google him and i come across some emusic page that's all like, "try us for like a minute, long enough to download two albums for free and then immediately cancel your membership and don't spend a dime and we won't do anything about it" so OBVIOUSLY i did that and i got this album and i like it. it's trippy and the album art is like, gross and awesome. i don't remember what the tv commercial was for.
POP-UP, yelle
so what about everything, this chick makes awesome pop that makes you feel like chewing pink bubble gum, roller skating and making out in the sun. i sing along and work on my accent, je ne veux pas d'un amour sans faille/trop parfait tu ne m'interresse pas...i do not want a flawless love, too much perfect you i'm not interested (after french 2 i'm sure my translations will improve). i'll put it to you this way, when i stop listening to baby dayliner for 9 hours every day, i spend two of those hours listening to yelle on myspace. she only has four songs. i don't have money to buy the album and i gave up downloading music without giving money to the artists as part of my being a better buddhist campaign so i'm waiting until i have a job. the only reason i've been going to job interviews is 'cause i want to buy music. check yelle out here.
why the bold and exclamation points? that's like yelling, right? YES!! and i'll tell you why! this movie is awesome. for two minutes i was really uncomfortable, it takes a while to settle into these cgi pixar cartoons things, they look weird, everything is really smooth, dizziness arises, et cetera. then the story was a little too simple for me, i was like "whatever. how could a panda have a goose for a dad? that's dumb." half an hour later i was laughing hysterically as po and shifu sparred with a dumpling as bait (would a panda really eat a dumpling??), i was a little worried about the return of tai lung and when oogway met with the peachtree blossom petals, i felt like i was watching an awesome cartoon samurai movie with a deep but not too deep to understand buddhist message. there are no accidents, there is no secret ingredient.
27 dresses
i had no intention of seeing this movie. katherine heigl is cute and all but generally, romantic comedies are not my scene. i took great issue with katherine heigl's wardrobe, the writing was kinda "HEY, LOOK, WE DON'T WANT YOU TO MISS THE JOKE" at points but generally speaking, it was funny enough with the added bonus 1. of ed burns (he's hot and he knows what he's doing even if his lines are simple as a homogenous mix of sand and other sand) and 2. judy greer, adorable redheaded character actress who i've now seen in this movie, on californication as trixy the prostitute, in jawbreaker, adaptation, what women want, in a dr. pepper commerical and on episodes of undressed, the mtv young people soap opera circa 3am, 1999. the movie was pretty okay but judy greer is great and ed burns is really hot. and katherine heigl. she's in it. i like her teeth.
the passion of the christ
i don't know if you all know or whatever, but i kinda have a thing for jesus. he supports my basic general philosophy, that perfect people should be nailed to wooden crosses. i wouldn't give mel gibson any of my money, i couldn't, not after he got made fun of so bad on southpark BUT i knew i would watch the passion eventually 'cause jesus is in it. dude. talk about gore. intense gore, new levels of intense, specific "turn him over and continue" gore. but, we have to remember, this is the ancient romans we're talking about. the ancient romans would put you in a bag with a rabid dog, a monkey, a snake and a rooster and drown you. they didn't fuck about when it came to ending someone's life painfully. and they spoke latin. the nerd in me was happy as a lark to hear spoken latin. and jesus, it looked like getting nailed to a cross was super horrible, the worst and i think that's how it would have looked if it happened. this movie is definitely decent.
park and some godawful upper east side cross street.
seven degrees of paul jenkins

paul jenkins
abstract expressionist
american born (kansas, missouri), 1923-

yasuo kuniyoshi
teacher of paul jenkins
american, born in japan, 1893-1953

kenneth hayes miller
urban realist
mentor/teacher of yasuo kuniyoshi
american, 1876-1952

isabel bishop
american social realist
student of kenneth miller
american (born cinncinati, ohio) 1902-1988

r. b. kitaj
'school of london'
described bishop as
"the best female artist america produced
(aside from cassatt)."
american born (chagrin falls, ohio) 1932-2007

percy horton
teacher of kitaj
british (1987-1970)

walter sickert
teacher of horton
english, german born 1860-1942

edgar degas
(born hilaire-germain-edgar degas)
teacher of sickert
french 1834-1917
myspace bests
best playlist
[Natalie] Nourick
a cancer in pennsylvania who's dreaming in technicolor
1. hurt, johnny cash
2. apocalyptic feasting, brain drill
3. shoot frank, cage
4. what a wonderful world, louis armstrong
5. take no chances, hangar 18
6. slowing down, anthony green
7. messengers, the handshake murderers
8. smoke & mirrors, rjd2
best pictures

poopie sanchez
yes, that's his real name
abstract expressionist
american born (kansas, missouri), 1923-

yasuo kuniyoshi
teacher of paul jenkins
american, born in japan, 1893-1953

kenneth hayes miller
urban realist
mentor/teacher of yasuo kuniyoshi
american, 1876-1952

isabel bishop
american social realist
student of kenneth miller
american (born cinncinati, ohio) 1902-1988

r. b. kitaj
'school of london'
described bishop as
"the best female artist america produced
(aside from cassatt)."
american born (chagrin falls, ohio) 1932-2007

percy horton
teacher of kitaj
british (1987-1970)

walter sickert
teacher of horton
english, german born 1860-1942

edgar degas
(born hilaire-germain-edgar degas)
teacher of sickert
french 1834-1917
myspace bests
if you get enough idiots together, some of them are bound to be geniuses, id est, the internet. i scan myspace in my free time looking for firecrackers, the people who make it worthwhile to scan craigslist in one's free time. they are few and far between but they're out there and many are IN YOUR NETWORK!! here's what i've found so far. if you think that you or someone you know has potential for myspace bests, email me at jessicaelainew@gmail.com or send me myspace love myspace.com/badideadwhiteboy and i'll throw you in the running. the categories so far are best playlist and best picture but if someone has a really out of control "about me" section, send it my way.
best playlist
a cancer in pennsylvania who's dreaming in technicolor
1. hurt, johnny cash
2. apocalyptic feasting, brain drill
3. shoot frank, cage
4. what a wonderful world, louis armstrong
5. take no chances, hangar 18
6. slowing down, anthony green
7. messengers, the handshake murderers
8. smoke & mirrors, rjd2
best pictures

poopie sanchez
yes, that's his real name
a 24 year old pisces from dc
currently residing in orlando, fl
currently residing in orlando, fl

messi jessi
21 year old armenian who looks good in purple
she'll make you sick!

big sigh clutter world

hard place
i saw them live once in la. it was pretty goshdarn intense.
i gave up my cat people for adoption 'cause the whole homeless with cats thing is kinda over circa always unless you're that dude who walks around midtown west with his cat balanced on his head. though i'm only homeless on the technicality of not having an address or any real estate that is mine by lease or deed, i'm deffo not capable of housing two felines while in my "hey, do you have a couch and wifi?" phase. all my go-tos had been gone to and didn't want to care for my cats till i got situated, which is understandable, 'cause my cats are crazy people. so, i'm pouring out some of my cherry coke for my bubbas who i will miss very much. peace out my homies...geez, i make it sound like they're dead. they aren't dead, they're still live cats, just not my cats anymore.
i'm still unemployed, been going to interviews, don't really care anymore but in a good way, if that makes sense. i have 7 dollars left. we'll see what happens. i found a quarter on the street yesterday and then i found a dollar today. if i keep up at this rate, in a week i'll have $16,384 which would be pretty sweet. i've been doing a lot of things on my be a better buddhist campaign like listening to žižek lectures, watching skate and fixie trick videos (new favorite awesome blogs in BLOGS I READ) and going to yoga, museums and galleries as often as possible. last gallery i visited was WORK gallery, owned and operated by a debonair young wrangler chap i like to call "my curly haired cancer friend":
when i found out this nut is a cancer i said to him "i know a lot of cancer boys" to which he replies, "they suck, right"
WORK gallery is currently housing the immaculate and vulnerable work of gabriela vainsencher, one of my new favorite people.
her work is really too much for me to handle, right up every alley, alleys i didn't even know i had. the artist known as gabriela is very open to young bloggers like yours humbly and she's quite famous on the internet; she seems to be the only one of her on facebook and vimeo.com, where you can see her awesome videos:
What I do for you from Gabriela Vainsencher on Vimeo.
she also has a blog (of course, 'cause blogs are awesome) where she posts a daily drawing, the likes of which can be seen and purchased currently at WORK gallery. here are a few of my faves:

i'll be interviewing gabriela for a soon-to-come here we rest post so stay tuned in for the brain picking. i suggest that if you're in red hook or even if you aren't anywhere near red hook, you stop by WORK gallery, fri-sun 12-6 or by appointment, corner of union and van brunt, right next door to the scooter bodega where you can get your vespa proper tuned. gabriela's show features audio by ryan britt
britt never says 'no' to the camera or a subtle but delicious wardrobe choice. you should have seen his jeans, you should see his dance moves
a writer cum dapper beast on the dancefloor who does a daily short story series which can be read here. britt writes up a storm, more than any other person i know who writes. i'm gonna be interviewing him eventually...creative people are like roaches, there are a bajillion, the come out when it's dark and no matter what do you to them, they never really go away. awesome.
oh, i got an internship. i'm the newest member of VIDEO gallery in bushy j-train bushwick brooklyn
(10 goodwin, one block east of broadway between grove and greene). it's pretty goddamned piss your pants exciting if you ask me. no one EVER responds to my resume, apparently i am not quite trunked out and on the mend enough to work for a gallery. EXCEPT THAT I AM! so, saturday from 12-6 for the next little while, i'll be sitting in the gallery, answering questions about art and artists for the guests of the VIDEO gallery space. i'm so beyond stoked. come visit and sign up to take screenprinting classes (20 bucks for three hours of learning). or don't. oh, and in celebration of my moving on up in the world, the blog will now be weekly. OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!. there's just too much to write about and i'm too stoked. oh, and i'm writing an ep. the lp, all us sinners, will still be coming out next year and i'm shooting for a solid 100 poems. the ep, oh, shit: shorties and selfies, will be a short book of poems and self-portraits that you will like more than all other short books of poems and self-portraits that you read. don't believe me? here is a snippet just for you with love from me to you from me for you:
domus priami
i say la la la la about it
i smile at the corner and split my lower lip in several places
content even though noble priam was slain at the altar
dragged through his son's blood with his son's body dragged around him
blood in the dirt and the city burned, the women kissed the posts,
sword buried up to the gleaming hilt in father priam's side
i sit in a rocking chair with a bladder drunk near to death on urine,
cramped toes, full of worry, still as rust.
"you will die" i say to myself as i shudder and my
jaw gets hard. "but not right now" and i get
so made of electricity, switched on and terrified that i almost
pee on myself. i think i do it all on purpose.
21 year old armenian who looks good in purple
she'll make you sick!

big sigh clutter world

hard place
i saw them live once in la. it was pretty goshdarn intense.
i gave up my cat people for adoption 'cause the whole homeless with cats thing is kinda over circa always unless you're that dude who walks around midtown west with his cat balanced on his head. though i'm only homeless on the technicality of not having an address or any real estate that is mine by lease or deed, i'm deffo not capable of housing two felines while in my "hey, do you have a couch and wifi?" phase. all my go-tos had been gone to and didn't want to care for my cats till i got situated, which is understandable, 'cause my cats are crazy people. so, i'm pouring out some of my cherry coke for my bubbas who i will miss very much. peace out my homies...geez, i make it sound like they're dead. they aren't dead, they're still live cats, just not my cats anymore.
i'm still unemployed, been going to interviews, don't really care anymore but in a good way, if that makes sense. i have 7 dollars left. we'll see what happens. i found a quarter on the street yesterday and then i found a dollar today. if i keep up at this rate, in a week i'll have $16,384 which would be pretty sweet. i've been doing a lot of things on my be a better buddhist campaign like listening to žižek lectures, watching skate and fixie trick videos (new favorite awesome blogs in BLOGS I READ) and going to yoga, museums and galleries as often as possible. last gallery i visited was WORK gallery, owned and operated by a debonair young wrangler chap i like to call "my curly haired cancer friend":

WORK gallery is currently housing the immaculate and vulnerable work of gabriela vainsencher, one of my new favorite people.
her work is really too much for me to handle, right up every alley, alleys i didn't even know i had. the artist known as gabriela is very open to young bloggers like yours humbly and she's quite famous on the internet; she seems to be the only one of her on facebook and vimeo.com, where you can see her awesome videos:
What I do for you from Gabriela Vainsencher on Vimeo.
she also has a blog (of course, 'cause blogs are awesome) where she posts a daily drawing, the likes of which can be seen and purchased currently at WORK gallery. here are a few of my faves:

i'll be interviewing gabriela for a soon-to-come here we rest post so stay tuned in for the brain picking. i suggest that if you're in red hook or even if you aren't anywhere near red hook, you stop by WORK gallery, fri-sun 12-6 or by appointment, corner of union and van brunt, right next door to the scooter bodega where you can get your vespa proper tuned. gabriela's show features audio by ryan britt

a writer cum dapper beast on the dancefloor who does a daily short story series which can be read here. britt writes up a storm, more than any other person i know who writes. i'm gonna be interviewing him eventually...creative people are like roaches, there are a bajillion, the come out when it's dark and no matter what do you to them, they never really go away. awesome.
oh, i got an internship. i'm the newest member of VIDEO gallery in bushy j-train bushwick brooklyn
(10 goodwin, one block east of broadway between grove and greene). it's pretty goddamned piss your pants exciting if you ask me. no one EVER responds to my resume, apparently i am not quite trunked out and on the mend enough to work for a gallery. EXCEPT THAT I AM! so, saturday from 12-6 for the next little while, i'll be sitting in the gallery, answering questions about art and artists for the guests of the VIDEO gallery space. i'm so beyond stoked. come visit and sign up to take screenprinting classes (20 bucks for three hours of learning). or don't. oh, and in celebration of my moving on up in the world, the blog will now be weekly. OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!. there's just too much to write about and i'm too stoked. oh, and i'm writing an ep. the lp, all us sinners, will still be coming out next year and i'm shooting for a solid 100 poems. the ep, oh, shit: shorties and selfies, will be a short book of poems and self-portraits that you will like more than all other short books of poems and self-portraits that you read. don't believe me? here is a snippet just for you with love from me to you from me for you:
hold your breath
hold your breath
domus priami
i say la la la la about it
i smile at the corner and split my lower lip in several places
content even though noble priam was slain at the altar
dragged through his son's blood with his son's body dragged around him
blood in the dirt and the city burned, the women kissed the posts,
sword buried up to the gleaming hilt in father priam's side
i sit in a rocking chair with a bladder drunk near to death on urine,
cramped toes, full of worry, still as rust.
"you will die" i say to myself as i shudder and my
jaw gets hard. "but not right now" and i get
so made of electricity, switched on and terrified that i almost
pee on myself. i think i do it all on purpose.