19 August 2008


hi guys. i'm gonna post some of these photos i got so you can see 'em. here i go!!

this one i took from geeta's roof a day or two before garland came to fetch me. i was meaning to take pictures of geeta and ross, both of whom i love and adore, both of whom where with me when i was lookin' out over all that prettiness. of course, my camera died immediately after the photo so that never happened. the end. well, not the end end, just the end of the whole 'moment on geeta's roof' bit. but there's more, rest assured...i'll try not to be boring; i take mad pictures of the sky but i won't include all of them so y'all don't hate me. but i'll put some in. okay.

so, my choronolgy has always been super sucky. i can remember the home club jingle from before they ditched the required membership and became home depot but i can't remember what order things happened in last week. i used up all my ram!!! so anyway, these flicks may not have happened in the order which you'll be seeing them but whatever, man. history is what gets remembered, not what happens. thomas jefferson was an asshole! but we'll get to that later.

so garland arrived and we met up on the corner of myrtle and lewis in bed-stuy. he gave me a big sloppy kiss, our first kiss and then blah blah blah, i have no clue what happened after that. then we went to the park and were very cute as seen here:

and then i got all 'oooh, lookit mah man' and took this one...

he's so cute, right?

later on we went to the beer garden with muonja. i had one of rich's yummy salmon burgers and got wasted as pie. nuccome was calling me and everyone was hollering at me on the phone 'you gotta come over here and say goodbye!' but i was drunk as a pile of sheets so i didn't go. muonja the beautiful took a cute picture of me and my hubby though.

and then she and i had a little impromptu photo shoot in the truck...actually, this probably happened on the way to the beer garden and not from it but whatever. this MAH blog. I is the rule maker. only i and i! so anyway, here's me and muonja lookin' hot and drunk in the truck.


this was taken at some point in that day. i can tell 'cause of the shirt. otherwise, i have no idea where it fits in. funny though, that little triangle over garland's left shoulder. i love details.

so yeah, then i engaged in a week long teary goodbye fest. it was nutso. garland got in thursday morning, we were set to leave on tuesday, spent four days just hangin' out, kissing on the street and holding hands and stuff. monday we got down to it packing and what not and i started falling apart. tuesday came and went. then wednesday, i fell apart some more. thursday morning we took the cats to the aspca van to get enuchified and with that done and my pad packed, we finally jumped ship thursday at some point. i don't remember when. somewhere in there, i spent a whole bunch of time smokin' with marissa and talkin' shit with zach and that was fun. i love marissa. marissa shmarissa, that's what i always say.

isn't she cute? i made her hold that pose 'cause i've seen her do it so many times over the last few years. wanna smoke? of course i do. after we left my loving marissa's presence, we headed to the bistro so everyone could yell at me for leaving. it was an emotional night, too emotional really, i hated it and i freaked out and was really glad when it was over. i got a great shot with leah hamilton though. thank god for our feathery head pieces, my last overprized dekalb avenue purchase.

i like leah hamilton a lot. she gave me a heart to heart about all this engaged and leaving town madness. she said that she and i are a lot the same. i don't think i know myself or her well enough to yay or nay it but it was a nice moment, she's a nice lady and damn if she doesn't have great skin.

it wasn't that same night but at some point before i left, i caught an awesome moment with jelsen and bahareh, my favorite married couple aside from nucomme and ajamu. talk about two sweeties. cutest couple in fort greene, sine dubio.

can you believe this wasn't posed? some action was going down on myrtle and carlton and these two just had to cute it up while scoping the scene. très adorable. they blog too. i'm gonna put links to their blogs on here once i...learn how to do that. i gotta link to garland's blog too. so much to do. luckily i ain't got shit to do. moving on...

that's from prospect park. again, i'll try not to bore you with the arty stuff but in short, i'm into renaissance ideas/ideals these days. lines, perspective, color...i guess i break off into modernity too, breakdown of form (abstraction!!!!), repetition. all that. anyway, i like this photo. that's the point. it reminds of the renaissance or makes me feel renaissancey or something. whatever.

nucomme's big three oh was on the 11th so i went, of course and nobody yelled at me for leaving and i got to eat her killer bean dip and some sorta yummy spicy fake meat concoction. i'll miss nucomme's concoctions and SITUATIONS. word up. she was playing this song all about some girl who's moving to alabama and about how the girl was taking pictures and didn't even know the song was about her and i was all like 'hey, i'm moving to alabama!' that was funny.

and then blah blah blah and then we left.

my last photo in brooklyn. peace out bqe!

one of my last photos in new york

that's what the farwell family thinks of fast paced new york livin'. phooey! (but we'll be back to visit, promise)

on the way out, jersey had the nerve to show me some beautifulness. i said i'd not bore you with the sky shots but i can't resist this one. so lovely:

i went to miami just after garland and i started talking to each other and i told him that the sky there made me understand why folks believe in god. i never thought i'd say this (or anything nice) about jersey but damn if this doesn't me want to get down on my knees and open my mouth. i mean pray.

sooooo first stop was steve stern's, good old friend of garland's. the two of them hadn't seen each other in 15-20 years (there was some debate) so we drove to gettysburg so they could catch up and so that i could argue with steve about whether or not i commit selfless acts (i, for one, DO NOT believe in selflessness. even mother teresa got something out of it. everyone is self centered. FASCISM IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL SAVE US FROM OURSELVES! but you all aren't ready for all that yet.) steve teaches philosophy at gettysburg and doesn't get it on with his students. he has two cute puppy pups, little and sparky. we went on a tour of war stuff and the two old dues talked war and dead guys and stuff. i took pictures and tried to pay attention but it didn't work. i got some good shots though. check out these two geeks:

that's where abe lincoln gave some speech at some point. whatever. meanwhile in artfag land, here's what the inside of a canon looks like

here are some gettysboids (get it?)

and some typical big-things-from-far-away-so-they-look-small 'cause that's my steeze these days.

that's some famous dead general's hand. ask steve or garland, i'm sure they know.

some dude's head. hi some dude! how it be?

i made the boys walk me by the tourist spot 'cause i'm a tourist whore. we took some cute pictures.

garland took the one of me and you can tell 'cause he takes active/dynamic pictures at angles and whatnot. my pictures are always passive, formalist and kinda boring. hmmm...

i got some cool lines while steve and garland were giving each other head talking about history:

and when we bounced from steve's [by steve! i am a selfish woman!], somewhere in the carolina's or dc or whatever i got some more cool lines and subtle color shifts

or maybe that was still in gettysburg. i don't know.

so anyway, eventually we left steve and the dogs and got on the road. i was sick of taking pictures, sick of being on the road, sick of being in the truck, just plain old sick really, so i didn't take many photos till after we got home and settled a bit. ooops, i forgot, we tried to go to colonial williamsburg. we did go, we went, we got there and the bitch was closed. i took on picture of garland and then we left.

and i totally left this shot of garland and steven with some reinactors out of the gettysburg segment. i'm like, the worst blogger ever.

anyway, so all that happened and then finally we got home. finally. we're settling. we took a piggly wiggly trip and drove queen esther around to shake the dust off her. today we went to mississippi to see tropic thunder (BEST COMEDY OF THE YEAR. GO SEE IT OR DIE! FASCISM IS THE NEW BLACK!) and then hit up the walmart. we went with four items on our lists but being that it was walmart and we are american, left with 150 bucks worth of stuff we never knew we never needed, like my sixteen pack of mason jars. i'm such a nerd. anyway, we played dress up in the mall 'cause we're geeks:

god, what a hottie.
don't hate, appreciate.

there were a couple of truck/jeepie type things and i put one on my christmas list and got in it for a photo.

i'm hot, right?

after the movie i had another 'oh my god, ths sky! space! perspective, repetition!' moment:

and then i made garland pose in front of walmart

and then we made out in the truck and drove home and i ate some ramen and then started in on this and i'm just now finished and i didn't think it would take so long and i'm totally over it and i hate blogging blogging sucks what a dumb idea tune in next week for more agh carpel tunnel agh agh agh SOUTHERN NEGRO FASCISTS IS COMIN' TAH GET YA!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Ooooooh, you got your Walmart On!! I've never been to one....tell me what it's like. On second thought...never mind.

I'm happy that you're happy.

Hi to Garland.