four by kierra
4 is a magic number
kierra is a magic girl
4 is a magic number
kierra is a magic girl

rosstube selections by my good friend ross middleton
things you should know
ignorantia neminem excusat
ignorantia neminem excusat

there: in or at that point, place, time, manner, respect. put it there, next to the dead bunny.
their: possesive form of 'they'. the store was cute but their pastie selection was whack.
they're: contraction of they are. the chicks from en vogue can blow but they're all kinda busted.
please don't make me hit you
please don't make me hit you
circus, britney spears
so whatever, i don't care if you crack jokes on me or brit brit. she's my homegirl. if madonna is the awesome aunt that tells you what a clitoris is and has you roll cigarettes for her, britney is the awesome older stepsister who shows you how to use tampons and swallow...and happens to be related to the aunt somehow. call it incest if you like but this is britney's best work and i'm very proud of her and happy for her.
tiny masters of today
i think these kids are so damned cool. i love kids that rock out. i don't have an album (still gots no job/no funds) but i've been listening to them on myspace and they make me really happy. they're getting tons of press and that's great 'cause they rock harder than people three times both their ages. if you haven't checked them out, visit their myspace page. it's good stuff.
you know that dude that like, does all those drugs and always wears beat up awesome outfits and has the worst teeth ever and used to date kate moss and like, two years ago kept getting arrested over and over again but for dumb shit that only rich druggies do? he's like proto-amy winehouse or whatever and he makes music and it's actually good. i like it alot. go listen and tell me if i'm wrong.
free music!!!!
make a 20 track long mixtape and download it for free!!! do it here or, you guessed it, DON'T!!
here's my mixtape:
so whatever, i don't care if you crack jokes on me or brit brit. she's my homegirl. if madonna is the awesome aunt that tells you what a clitoris is and has you roll cigarettes for her, britney is the awesome older stepsister who shows you how to use tampons and swallow...and happens to be related to the aunt somehow. call it incest if you like but this is britney's best work and i'm very proud of her and happy for her.
tiny masters of today
i think these kids are so damned cool. i love kids that rock out. i don't have an album (still gots no job/no funds) but i've been listening to them on myspace and they make me really happy. they're getting tons of press and that's great 'cause they rock harder than people three times both their ages. if you haven't checked them out, visit their myspace page. it's good stuff.
you know that dude that like, does all those drugs and always wears beat up awesome outfits and has the worst teeth ever and used to date kate moss and like, two years ago kept getting arrested over and over again but for dumb shit that only rich druggies do? he's like proto-amy winehouse or whatever and he makes music and it's actually good. i like it alot. go listen and tell me if i'm wrong.
free music!!!!
make a 20 track long mixtape and download it for free!!! do it here or, you guessed it, DON'T!!
here's my mixtape:
the meat and the berries
i had my first day of interning at VIDEO gallery this weekend. IT WAS AWESOME. it was just me and the resident artist, justin. we started the cold ass day with earl grey from the bodega. it was nice.i shot a nude model this week. i can't show you most of the shots but i find this one especially lovely. i'll be doing nudes shoots all week, if you wanna get naked (or semi-nude or just pose for a portrait), be in touch. i'm trying to flash up my portfolio.
my flyness sometimes contradicts my homelessness. but how? i'll tell you how, guys like philly. philly sells clothes and stuff on 10th ave between 43rd and 44th, he's got awesome trifles for mad cheap: leather jackets, new balance windbreakers, a box of barbie dolls, shoes, turquoise jewelry, portraits of jesus AND he's right next door to some of the best deep dish in new york. visit and tell him jessica sent you. he'll have no idea who "jessica" is but do it anyway.
my dear sweet lovely friend genevieve sent me a little bracelet from buenos aires and a little pink note (see first image of this post). i love genevieve. i love genevieve the way i love my fingers, like i would rather lose a pinky than lose geni and not just because she's beautiful and curly haired and funny and wonderful and 'cause she sends me perfect little bracelets and little pink notes. there are lots of reasons, too many to name. she's a good friend. she's my firecracker.
justin makes art, does tattoos and has a killer record collection. we had some chat; we have similar view on the evils of capitalism and the awesomes of weaponry and war. he's gonna do my next tattoo, needless to say i'm SO STOKED!!! there's gear for screen printing and a butt ton of clay at the gallery and i have access to all of it. you're jealous. i decided to dive into the clay and made a sweet little pot, i'll be making as many pinch pots as i can over the holidays. peri runs the gallery and is gonna be getting the wares fired at suny purchase. i'm stoked, i haven't done ceramics since high school. very cathartic.
i went to brooklyn museum with marissa 'cause she wanted to see the gilbert and george stuff. i think i liked it more than anyone else we came across that day, especially the video. it's weird art, big statement pieces, sex, shit, politics, car bombings, two dudes in suits looking at you funny or naked and holding their butt cheeks apart. i can see how and why someone wouldn't like it but i recommend it nonetheless, even if it's just so you can say firsthand that it's dumb, like the blair witch project.

he's usually on 4th or 5th floor. tell him jess says hi.
he won't know who i am but do it anyway.
i popped into the blacklist show...honestly, i was kinda over it before i went in. maybe that's bad of me to say but this is my blog so whatever, i've always been kinda bad at being a black person. the portraits were decent enough but i was underwhelmed. that said, i learned something: SLASH IS BLACK! who knew? there are a couple of macs in the exhibit where one can make a video in response to the exhibit, here's mine:
i'm famous!! wooot...
on the way to the museum, marissa and i stopped off twice and both stops were totally blogworthy.
STOP ONE: calabar imports. awesome awesome spot full of jewelry, hats, sculpture, clothes, scarves, oils, you name it. marissa found amber oil that she's been looking for since i met her and they sell nubian heritage soaps, the best smelling soaps ever. go visit, CALABAR IMPORTS,
820 washington avenue between lincoln place and st. john's place. atim, who runs the shop with her mum, also produces a periodical. check it out here. but read the rest of the blog first. i'm serious.

STOP TWO: tom's restaurant. anyone who knows jessica elaine knows that jessica elaine LOVES diner food. since high school when i used to sneak off campus with day students (lucky bastards that had cars and didn't live at school like idiots) to go the agawam diner on route 1...i dunno, i just love diners, they feel like home. i have five favorites in the new york area: daisy's in park slope, westway in hell's kitchen, mike's in clinton hill, kellog's in billysburg and tom's in prospect park. you've probably been to tom's, it's pretty well known BUT, if you haven't, GO!!!! or don't. their sweet potato pancakes are off the wallet chain, fuh rilly. and hey, if you're ever in rowley, MA, go to the agawam. it's soooo good and if you're quiet about it, they'll let you smoke inside. oh, hey, i haven't smoked in over a month. woooooooo...

spicy elbow mac turkey chizzle
1 onion
a bunch of garlic
sauteé that shit in oil
a few tomatoes, diced
3 small cans of tomato sauce
small can of chipotle chilis in adobo sauce
two regular sized cans of turkey chili
onion and garlic are sautéing, toss in the other stuff
add salt to taste and some sugar too
let it bubble and boil, low heat for at least a half hour, stirring occasionally
make some elbow pasta, like a box of it
once the bubble and boil ain't soupy, mix that shit yo
top with some parmesean or romano if you're feeling fancy
serves a buncha hungry fools
so dawn and i called ourselves gallery hopping last thursday. funnnny, we picked a freezing cold rainy day, we started ten blocks too low and three hours too late. we started (and ended) at COHAN AND LESLIE gallery whose walls were littered with photography for their PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKS: TO BENEFIT THE FOUNDATION FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS show. the works of established famous folks hangs next to newcomers, which i think is cool. the ladies who worked there had snotty attitudes and dumb dresses/hair/faces but other than that, the show was awesome and i reccomend it. it hangs till the 20th so go visit, 138 tenth avenue between 18th and 19th. or, you know, don't. options. people love options. there was a bunch of good stuff but way too much for this blog. i'll likely highlight some of the newer artists next post.
need some ideas for christmas shopping? well, i have a friend, miki christopherson, who makes awesome awesome awesome jewelry. miki is based out of brooklyn and has divine fashion sense and a very cute face. check her out and buy her jewelry. there's no "or don't" here, i'm telling you to do it and i expect that you will because you love me and you know that our loved is based on you doing what i tell you and spending money on things that my friends have made. ahhhh, romance.

buy her stuff here
hey do you like to dance? i do. i went out dancing twice this week, flashy trashy at le poisson rouge (158 bleeker, thursdays from 9-4) and blocbabies at rehab (formerly midway, b btwn 2nd/3rd, sat from 10-9). dawn was my awesome wingwoman for both nights (jimmy made it out for blocbabies) and though she was not helpful in the least with getting baby d to put his tongue in my mouth (grrrrr), girlfriend HELD IT DOWN ON THE DANCEFLOOR. shout out to dawn. anyway, if you like to dance and don't mind a kinda douchey crowd, make it out for one of these nights. the music is well worth the bouncer with the s-curl who gave me trouble at the door. greasy son of a sea bisquit.
in closing, there's a young man by the name of nelson who, a few years ago, decided to take up skateboarding. he makes me really happy 'cause i got to watch him go from barely being able to stay on the board to doing nollies and barrel rolls. today, he's on youtube which i think is pretty goshdarn exciting. he's got some style too, sine dubio. check nelson's skill and remember, PULLING OUT IS NOT A CONTRACEPTIVE!!!: